Prayer for Liverpool
One of the things I was doing before Covid 19 was on our radar was trying, as it were to put my life in order, and by that I mean sort out my Will. As many of you know I am single and I don’t have a lot of money, but what I do have, I want to give to the right people and the right charities after my death. I don’t want my family and friends having to deal with my end of life without clear instructions. October is Free Wills Month. Free Wills Month ‘brings together a group of well-respected charities to offer member of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their simple Wills written or updated free of charge by participating solicitors in selected locations across England, Northern Ireland and Wales’ ( The web-site goes on to say a written Will ensures that your wishes are respected. It also avoids difficult decisions and legal complications for your loved ones after your death. Free Wills Month allows you to provide for family and friends and to provide for your favourite Charity, like Liverpool Cathedral. Giving, as St Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians is a privilege. We give to God because God first gave to us. All that we have is not ours, but it is on loan to us from God. The whole Bible describes what God has done for us. God created humanity, God gave us a wonderful world to live in. God has done so much for us. What we have, we ought to give back to God. One of the prayers that I miss saying regularly in the service of Holy Communion is: Yours Lord is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendour and the majesty. All things come from you O Lord, and of your own do we give you. God has given us life’s blessings, God has made us stewards of them, and we should use our time, talents and money for his service. If you are going to take advantage of Free Wills Month to either write or update your Will then please do consider giving to Liverpool Cathedral. As the Free Wills Month website says: A gift in your will costs you nothing now but makes a difference for years to come. Dean Sue You can download the legacy pack by using this link: Download our Legacy Pack now. or you can visit our page on
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supporting you during these uncertain times AuthorLiverpool Cathedral is a place of encounter. Built by the people, for the people, to the Glory of God Archives
September 2022
Prayer for Liverpool
brought to you from Liverpool Cathedral St James Mount Liverpool L1 7AZ |
Liverpool Cathedral is a place of encounter.
Built by the people, for the people, to the Glory of God |