Chapter 9 of Mark’s Gospel began with the revelation of Jesus as the ‘beloved Son’ on the Mount of Transfiguration and with the second prediction of Jesus’ passion and death. This is followed immediately by two controversies, the controversy about who is greatest among the disciples, and the controversy about who counts as a disciple. In today’s passage Jesus affirms the exorcist who casts out demons in his name, even though this exorcist is working independently of the close band of followers. The church, like Jesus, must be willing to recognise the activity of God in a wider context. For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of supporters’ clubs. In today’s picture from the book Exploring Sikhism, Rees and Sara are playing with their friends Sanjit and Yasmin who are Sikhs. They may belong to different religious traditions, but they share so much in common. Lord Jesus Christ, you welcomed all who worked through your name. Help us to work with your followers from other churches and other traditions, that your kingdom may grow; now and always. Amen. Next Sunday’s Gospel reading moves us away from the lectionary cycle to the first of two weeks when the Church of England is focusing our attention on God’s generosity and our response. Next Sunday’s Gospel invites us to reflect on Matthew’s teaching about how God cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday’s theme is birds. You can find out more about that theme here We would really appreciate you letting us know how you are using these materials. During the autumn we are reviewing the pattern of livestreaming services, and on Sunday 26th the team will be away from the Cathedral with the choir, for the annual visit to Colomendy, North Wales, so there will not be a livestream this week. From next week the Sunday Eucharist at 10:30 am and Sunday Choral Evensong at 3 pm will be live-streamed again, from the Cathedral Facebook page and YouTube page. To stream a service on Facebook, follow this link to our Facebook page: To stream a service on YouTube, follow this link to our YouTube page:
In last Sunday’s Gospel reading Peter had recognised Jesus as the Messiah. Once Peter has recognised and confessed Jesus as the Messiah, Mark begins a programme of teaching about the nature of Jesus’ Messiahship. Jesus is the Messiah who suffers. Peter’s confession is followed immediately by the first prediction of Jesus’ suffering and death. Now in today’s Gospel reading Mark offers a second more detailed prediction. This view of Messiahship reverses the common expectation for a triumphal Messiah. Such a reversal must change the disciples’ hopes for themselves as well, and reshape their ambitions. In place of power they find weakness. For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of ambition. In today’s picture from their book, Myself and Others, Aled and Sian are setting out on their adventure to shape their ambition in life. Lord Jesus Christ, you call your followers to give service to others and not to seek power for themselves. Help us to live up to our calling, that our lives may witness to you; now and always. Amen. Next Sunday’s Gospel reading draws attention to the way in which tensions emerged among Jesus’ followers. There is a controversy about who counts as a disciple: who is in and who is out. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday’s theme is gangs. You can find out more about that theme here We would really appreciate you letting us know how you are using these materials. Please send us your ideas and photos of the things you may create; email them to [email protected]. To read more about Myself and others and for more resources for children , you are welcome to follow this link to the relevant page of the St Mary's Centre. You are warmly invited to join us in worship online. We are livestreaming our 10:30am service on both our Facebook and YouTube pages. To stream the service on Facebook, follow this link to our Facebook page: To stream the service on YouTube, follow this link to our YouTube page:
Today’s Gospel reading from Mark chapter 8 presents Peter’s confession of faith at Caesarea Philippi when he identified Jesus as the Messiah. Peter’s confession of faith is a significant turning point in Mark’s Gospel. Up to this point the emphasis has been on the hidden and secret nature of Jesus’ Messiahship. Up to this point only the spirit world has recognised Jesus for who he really is. Now the secret is out. Peter had been following the clues and putting the pieces together. However, no sooner does Jesus accept the title Messiah than he also qualifies it. He is not the warrior Messiah, whom some were expecting, but a fully human Messiah who is destined to suffer.
For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of following the clues. In today’s picture from their book, Signs and Symbols, Aled and Sian are following the clues to discover the ancient castle. Lord Jesus Christ, you made yourself known to Peter, and Peter recognised you as the Messiah. Make yourself known to us, when we break bread in your name; for we recognise you, as our Lord and Saviour. Amen. Next Sunday’s Gospel reading explores Jesus’ teaching on what it means to follow in his footsteps. Those who follow this kind of Messiah have to reshape their ambition. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday’s theme is ambition. You can find out more about that theme here We would really appreciate you letting us know how you are using these materials. To read more about Signs and Symbols and for more resources for children , you are welcome to follow this link to the relevant page of the St. Mary’s Centre website. You are warmly invited to join us in worship online. We are livestreaming our 10:30am service on both our Facebook and YouTube pages. To stream the service on Facebook, follow this link to our Facebook page: To stream the service on YouTube, follow this link to our YouTube page: Today’s Gospel reading from Mark chapter 7 marks an important point of transition in Jesus’ ministry. In Mark’s narrative Jesus began his ministry among the Jewish people, but today we find him in Gentile territory. Then a Gentile woman comes to Jesus for help. The opening conversation between Jesus and the woman sounds offensive. The woman says of Jesus, ‘Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs’. Jesus’ response indicates that the turn of the Gentiles has now arrived. The Gentiles also deserve to be treated as God’s children. For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of dogs. Today’s picture is taken from the illustrated communion book, The Lord is Here!, where the picture is set alongside the Prayer of Humble Access. Lord Jesus Christ, your love is for all people. Teach us to share your love with all, that your reign may reach to the ends of the world; for you are our God. Amen. Next Sunday’s Gospel reading takes us to Peter’s confession at Caesarea Philippi when he says to Jesus, ‘You are the Messiah’. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday’s theme is following the clues. You can find out more about that theme here We would really appreciate you letting us know how you are using these materials. Please send us your ideas and photos of the things you may create; email them to [email protected]. To read more about The Lord is Here! and for more resources for children regarding Communion, you are welcome to follow this link to the relevant page of the St. Mary’s Centre website: You are warmly invited to join us in worship online. We are livestreaming our 10:30am service on both our Facebook and YouTube pages. To stream the service on Facebook, follow this link to our Facebook page: To stream the service on YouTube, follow this link to our YouTube page: Canon Leslie |
supporting you during these uncertain times AuthorLiverpool Cathedral is a place of encounter. Built by the people, for the people, to the Glory of God Archives
September 2022
Prayer for Liverpool
brought to you from Liverpool Cathedral St James Mount Liverpool L1 7AZ |
Liverpool Cathedral is a place of encounter.
Built by the people, for the people, to the Glory of God |